As Reported By House Committee on:
Energy & Utilities
Brief Description: Requesting Congress to create a HAMMER training center at Hanford.
Sponsor(s): Representatives Bray, Edmondson, Ludwig, Lisk, Rayburn, Grant, Orr, Neher, Nealey, Riley, Prince, Inslee and Hochstatter.
Brief History:
Reported by House Committee on:
Energy & Utilities, February 19, 1991, DP.
Majority Report: Do pass. Signed by 11 members: Representatives Grant, Chair; H. Myers, Vice Chair; May, Ranking Minority Member; Hochstatter, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Bray; Casada; Cooper; R. Fisher; Jacobsen; Miller; and Rayburn.
Staff: Fred Adair (786-7113).
Background: Emergency response to hazardous materials problems is becoming an increasingly technical and specialized matter requiring extensive education and frequent training.
The Hanford Reservation has a greater than average concentration of hazardous materials while at the same time having highly qualified technical and scientific people working on site.
There is not now a facility with the resources to provide adequate hazardous materials emergency management training as required by federal and state law.
The Hanford Reservation offers an ideal training facility site with isolated land, benign weather, a host of hands-on training opportunities nearby for students, and a wealth of readily available scientific and technical resource persons.
Summary of Bill: Congress and the president are urged to act to create a hazardous materials management and emergency response (HAMMER) training center on the Hanford Reservation.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Testimony For: There is a vital need for this kind of training and the Hanford Reservation is an ideal location both by reason of a superbly qualified site and abundant human resources.
Testimony Against: None.
Witnesses: Representative Lane Bray, prime sponsor.