C 34 L 92
Synopsis As Enacted
Brief Description: Regulating bottled water.
By House Committee on Agriculture & Rural Development (originally sponsored by Representatives Fraser, McLean, Valle, Miller, Rayburn, Edmondson, Winsley, Scott, Basich and Jacobsen).
House Committee on Agriculture
House Committee on Appropriations
Senate Committee on Agriculture & Water Resources
Background: The Department of Agriculture regulates intrastate commerce in food products under the state's Food Processing Act and Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act. The department regulates certain specific food products, such as dairy, meat, and poultry products, under other state laws as well.
Summary: Standards are established for labelling the following forms of bottled water: artesian or natural artesian water, distilled water, mineral water, spring or natural spring water, naturally carbonated or naturally sparkling water, purified water, and well water. Supplemental labelling information or graphics appearing on such bottled water must not imply properties of the water which are not factual. Soft drinks, soda, and seltzer products commonly recognized as soft drinks and identified with a name other than these names for bottled water are exempted from these requirements. Standards and labeling requirements are also established for bottled drinking water and for bottled water to which carbon dioxide has been added.
Bottled water is expressly added to the foods that are regulated by the Department of Agriculture under the state's Food Processing Act and Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act. In addition, the Board of Health is directed to set by rule quality standards for the source or supply of water for bottled water plants.
If a water dealer or operator of a bottled water plant knows or has reason to believe that a contaminant is present in the dealer's or plant's water source and its presence would create a potential health hazard to consumers, the dealer or operator must report the occurrence to the Department of Health.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 94 0
Senate 46 0 (Senate amended)
House 96 0 (House concurred)
Effective: June 11, 1992