C 233 L 92
Brief Description: Adopting the supplemental capital budget.
By House Committee on Capital Facilities & Financing (originally sponsored by Representatives H. Sommers, Schmidt, Rasmussen, Neher, Dellwo and Jacobsen; by request of Governor Gardner).
House Committee on Capital Facilities & Financing
Senate Committee on Ways & Means
Background: Every two years the Legislature adopts a biennial capital budget authorizing the expenditure of state money for capital purposes. In the intervening years the Legislature adopts a supplemental budget to make changes or corrections to the biennial budget or to authorize additional capital projects. Included in the capital budget are moneys for remodeling and construction of public schools, institutions of higher education, parks and green spaces, and office buildings.
Summary: The bill includes new capital appropriations and amends the 1991-93 omnibus capital appropriations budget. See "Capital Budget Summary" for list of projects and specific appropriations.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 69 27
Senate 37 11 (Senate amended)
House (House refused to concur)
Conference Committee
Senate 39 9
House 61 36
Effective: April 2, 1992
Partial Veto Summary: See "Capital Budget - Summary" for impact of partial veto. (See VETO MESSAGE)