C 180 L 92
Synopsis As Enacted
Brief Description: Changing provisions relating to special educational services demonstration projects.
By House Committee on Education (originally sponsored by Representatives H. Sommers, Peery, Brough and Valle).
House Committee on Education
House Committee on Appropriations
Senate Committee on Education
Background: In 1991, legislation was passed (ESHB 1329) that authorized school district demonstration projects intended to promote the blending of funds to improve the provision of services to students who qualify for learning disabled, bilingual, learning assistance and other categorical funds. The legislation also was intended to reduce the need to complete lengthy assessments of students before they qualify as learning disabled in special education, and to reduce the number of students labeled as special education students.
One problem with not categorizing or "labeling" students is determining the amount of categorical funds that should be allocated to school districts for these students. The 1991 legislation provided that the allocation for learning disabled students be based on an average of the previous three years. Under this formula, if projects do result in less labeling, state handicapped allocations to school districts would be reduced over time. The intent of the original legislation was to be revenue neutral and not penalize schools for labeling fewer students.
Summary: Language is added to clarify that the intent of the Special Education Services Demonstration projects is to discourage unnecessary labeling of students while still providing state funding for needed services.
Provisions are modified regarding state handicapped funding for projects participating in the special education services demonstration projects. The use of a three-year rolling average for new projects is eliminated, but may be used for projects approved on or before January 31, 1992. In addition, provisions are added that allow school districts that have projects designed to reduce unnecessary labeling of students as handicapped to use prior handicapped enrollments as the basis for funding during, and two years after, the project.
This act expires January 1, 1996.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 94 0
Senate 47 2 (Senate amended)
House 97 0 (House concurred)
Effective: April 1, 1992