As Passed House
February 14, 1992
Title: An act relating to the manufactured housing task force.
Brief Description: Extending the manufactured housing task force reporting date.
Sponsor(s): Representatives Winsley, Nelson, Wineberry, Franklin, Mitchell, Leonard, Ogden, Ballard and Paris.
Brief History:
Reported by House Committee on:
Housing, January 24, 1992, DP;
Passed House, February 14, 1992, 95-0.
Majority Report: Do pass. Signed by 6 members: Representatives Nelson, Chair; Franklin, Vice Chair; Mitchell, Ranking Minority Member; Winsley, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Leonard; and Ogden.
Staff: Bill Lynch (786-7092).
Background: The Manufactured Housing Task Force was established by statute during the 1991 legislative session. The task force was directed to study and make recommendations concerning how state government should be structured to regulate manufactured housing in the state.
The task force is composed of four legislators, and representatives of mobile home park owners, mobile home owners, cities, counties, mobile home manufacturers, mobile home dealers, mobile home transporters, local building officials, and local health officials. The director, or the director's designee, of the departments of Community Development, Licensing, and Labor and Industries, as well as the attorney general's office serve as nonvoting members on the task force.
The task force is required to submit its final report containing its findings and recommendations by December 1, 1992. The task force terminates on December 31, 1992. The task force was supposed to take two legislative interim periods to hold meetings and develop its recommendations. The appointments to the task force were not made until the end of the 1991 interim. It has been suggested that the Manufactured Housing Task Force should be extended for another year.
Summary of Bill: The Manufactured Housing Task Force is extended for one year. The Manufactured Housing Task Force is required to submit its final report by December 1, 1993, instead of December 1, 1992. The task force terminates on December 31, 1993, instead of December 31, 1992.
Fiscal Note: Not Requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: None.
Testimony Against: None.
Witnesses: None.