As Passed House
February 11, 1992
Title: An act relating to correction of double amendments relating to support obligations.
Brief Description: Correcting double amendments relating to support obligations.
Sponsor(s): Representatives Appelwick, Padden, Winsley and Paris.
Brief History:
Reported by House Committee on:
Judiciary, January 24, 1992, DPS.
Passed House, February 11, 1992, 95-0.
Majority Report: The substitute bill be substituted therefor and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by 17 members: Representatives Appelwick, Chair; Ludwig, Vice Chair; Padden, Ranking Minority Member; Paris, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Belcher; Broback; Forner; Hargrove; Inslee; R. Meyers; Mielke; H. Myers; Riley; Scott; D. Sommers; Tate; and Wineberry.
Staff: Pat Shelledy (786-7149).
Background: RCW 26.23.110 was amended twice during the 1989 legislative session, each without reference to the other. The Law Revision Commission reviewed the bill to correct the double amendments and to clarify the statute as combined.
The statute concerns the collection procedure the Department of Social and Health Services must use when the child support order does not state the current or future support obligation as a fixed dollar amount.
Summary of Bill: The double amendments adopted to RCW 26.23.110 are corrected and the two amendments are merged into one statute. In addition, amendments are made to the merged statute to identify terms used in the statute more precisely and to improve the grammar in the statute.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: The double amendment is corrected, and additional clarifying language is added that does not change the substantive provisions.
Testimony Against: None.
Witnesses: Representative Dennis Dellwo (in favor); and Marjorie Rombauer, Law Revision Commission (in favor).