C 182 L 91
Synopsis As Enacted
Brief Description: Defining city and county licensing procedures for state licensed massage practitioners.
By House Committee on Local Government (originally sponsored by Representatives Haugen, Wynne, Anderson, Ferguson, Basich, Cooper, Belcher, Fraser, Zellinsky, Prince and Nelson).
House Committee on Local Government
Senate Committee on Health & Long-Term Care
State Licensing Requirements to Practice Massage: No person may practice massage or represent himself or herself as a massage practitioner without a license issued by the State Department of Health. To qualify for a license, a person must successfully complete an approved massage program or approved apprenticeship program; pass an examination administered or approved by the State Board of Massage; and be at least 18 years old. The examination consists of a written and practical examination.
Massage practitioners are subject to examination fees, license fees, and license renewal fees by the Department of Health. Licenses are valid for one year. Persons licensed as massage practitioners are subject to the Uniform Disciplinary Act for Health Professionals.
The Washington State Board of Massage is responsible for adopting rules to establish standards and procedures for approving courses of study; approving schools and programs; reviewing approved schools and programs periodically; preparing, grading, administering and supervising examinations for applicants for licensure; and determining which states have educational and licensing requirements equivalent to Washington State.
Local Licensing Requirements to Practice Massage: The state license and fee requirements for massage practitioners are not exclusive. Local governments are authorized to require registrations or licenses, and charge fees for these purposes, to regulate the practice of massage.
State and local law enforcement personnel are also authorized to inspect a massage practitioner's premises at any time including business hours.
Summary: A person seeking a license from a city or county to operate a massage business must verify that he or she is validly licensed as a massage practitioner by the state.
A city or county may not subject a state licensed massage practitioner to additional licensing requirements that are not imposed on other similar health care providers, such as physical therapists or occupational therapists.
A city or county may not charge a state licensed massage practitioner a licensing or operation fee that exceeds licensing or operation fees imposed on similar health care providers, such as physical therapists or occupational therapists, operating in the same city or county.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 97 0
Senate 48 0
Effective: July 28, 1991