C 177 L 91
Synopsis As Enacted
Brief Description: Preventing termination of the small business export finance assistance center.
By Representatives Ludwig, Cantwell, Forner, Moyer, Roland, Kremen, Rasmussen, Betrozoff, Ferguson, Wineberry, Miller, Bowman and Sheldon.
House Committee on Trade & Economic Development
Senate Committee on Commerce & Labor
Background: The Small Business Export Finance Assistance Center was established in 1983. The center is authorized to assist small and medium-sized businesses in accessing export markets for their goods and to provide information and assistance about export opportunities and financing alternatives. The center may not use state funds to make or guarantee loans, nor is the State liable for any debts of the center.
The center is a nonprofit organization governed by a 17 member board of directors, appointed by the governor, with a president employed by the board. The center was scheduled for termination under the sunset process in June of 1990, with a repeal of its statute in June of 1991. The Legislative Budget Committee, under the sunset process, conducted a performance audit of the center during 1989-1990. The committee recommended that the center be reauthorized without modifications, and that the center expand its services by participating in the city/state agency cooperation program of the United States Export/Import Bank (EXIMBANK). The center signed a contract with the EXIMBANK to provide such services in January of 1990.
If not reauthorized by the 1991 Legislature, the Small Business Export Finance Assistance Center will cease to exist on June 30, 1991.
Summary: The Small Business Export Finance Assistance Center is reauthorized without modifications and removed from the sunset process.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 98 0
Senate 40 0
Effective: July 28, 1991