C 197 L 91
Synopsis As Enacted
Brief Description: Establishing civil docket priority for parties over seventy years of age or terminally ill.
By Representatives Inslee, Riley, R. Meyers, Roland, Winsley, Ludwig, Orr, H. Myers and Wineberry.
House Committee on Judiciary
Senate Committee on Law & Justice
Background: Due to court congestion and backlog, civil cases may not go to trial for several months or even years. In some cases, elderly or terminally ill litigants die before their cases go to trial.
Summary: When setting civil cases for trial, unless otherwise provided by statute, upon motion of a party, the court may give priority to cases in which a party is frail and over 70 years of age or is suffering from a terminal illness.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 96 0
Senate 44 0 (Senate amended)
House 93 0 (House concurred)
Effective: July 28, 1991