C 119 L 91
Synopsis As Enacted
Brief Description: Continuing hospice services an additional two years for medical assistance recipients.
By Representatives Anderson, Moyer, Sprenkle, Paris, Wynne, Jacobsen and Winsley.
House Committee on Appropriations
Senate Committee on Health & Long-Term Care
Background: Hospice care is generally recognized as the broad spectrum of care provided to terminally ill patients. The focus of hospice care is on physical and psychological comfort rather than cure. The objective of hospice care is to keep the patient at home, with inpatient hospital care used only as necessary.
During the state fiscal year 1990, 26 eligible Medicaid recipients elected hospice services. Current law includes a sunset provision for termination of optional Medicaid hospice benefits on June 30, 1991.
Summary: This bill extends the sunset of optional Medicaid hospice benefits to June 30, 1993.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 96 0
Senate 43 0 (Senate amended)
House 95 0 (House concurred)
Effective: May 9, 1991