As Amended by the Senate
Title: An act relating to appropriations for projects recommended by the Public Works Board.
Brief Description: Making appropriations for public works projects.
Sponsor(s): Representatives Ogden, Brough, H. Sommers, Jacobsen, Schmidt, Wynne, Paris, May, Haugen, Betrozoff, Winsley, Edmondson, Cooper, Wilson, Forner, D. Sommers, Tate, Mitchell, Fraser, Spanel and R. Johnson; by request of Department of Community Development.
Brief History:
Reported by House Committee on:
Capital Facilities & Financing, February 5, 1991, DP.
Passed House February 14, 1991, 96-0;
Amended by Senate.
Majority Report: Do pass. Signed by 12 members: Representatives H. Sommers, Chair; Rasmussen, Vice Chair; Schmidt, Ranking Minority Member; Neher, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Beck; Brough; Casada; Fraser; Heavey; Jacobsen; Ogden; and Silver.
Staff: Susan Kavanaugh (786-7130).
Background: Under Chapter 43.155 RCW, the Public Works Board, within the Department of Community Development, may make low-interest or interest-free loans to help local governments finance the repair, replacement or improvement of essential public works: roads, bridges, water systems, and storm and sanitary sewage systems.
Each year, the board submits a list of projects to the Legislature for approval. The Legislature may delete a project from the list but may not add any projects or change the order of the project priorities.
Summary of Bill: Sixty-five public works projects totaling $51,900,000 recommended by the Public Works Board are authorized for fiscal year 1991. (The appropriation for these projects was included in the 1989-91 capital budget.)
Six additional public works projects totaling $7,351,667 are also authorized for fiscal year 1991. An appropriation from the public works trust fund account is made to cover these six projects.
In total, 71 projects totaling $59,251,667 recommended by the public works board are authorized for fiscal year 1991.
EFFECT OF SENATE AMENDMENT(S): The $7,351,667 appropriation is reduced by $783,667 to $6,568,000 because the forecast of the amount available in the Public Works Trust Fund Account declined. The six projects authorized for funding from this appropriation are reduced on a prorated basis.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: The bill contains an emergency clause and takes effect immediately.
Testimony For: This is a well run program that helps local governments with essential public works, often involving public health and safety. Various public works projects completed with assistance from the Public Works Trust Fund were described.
Testimony Against: None.
Witnesses: in favor: Pete Butkus, Department of Community Development; Mary Jo Briggs, City of Vancouver; Jerome Morse, Clark Co.; Charles Shell, City of Seattle; Jim Salatino, Washington State Association of Sewer Districts; and Jim Justin, Association of Washington Cities.
Yeas 96; Excused 2
Excused: Representatives Day, Silver