As Reported By House Committee on:
Fisheries & Wildlife
Title: An act relating to the sale of state property.
Brief Description: Changing the allocation of proceeds from the sale of salmon and salmon eggs.
Sponsor(s): Representatives Basich, R. King, Orr, Morris, Fuhrman, Sheldon, Jones, Haugen, Padden, Riley, Hochstatter, Cole and Kremen.
Brief History:
Reported by House Committee on:
Fisheries & Wildlife, February 8, 1991, DP.
Majority Report: Do pass. Signed by 8 members: Representatives R. King, Chair; Morris, Vice Chair; Wilson, Ranking Minority Member; Basich; Haugen; Hochstatter; Orr; and Padden.
Minority Report: Do not pass. Signed by 1 member: Representative Spanel.
Staff: Keitlyn Watson (786-7310).
Background: Adequate returns of salmon to fish hatcheries are required for future propagation of salmon. Eggs are collected from females and "spawned out" salmon carcasses at hatcheries are numerous. In addition, eggs may be nonviable or there may be up to fifteen percent mortality during incubation at the hatchery. Carcasses may be fit for human consumption, and eggs can be used as caviar or as bait.
Currently, the Department of Fisheries bids out the sale of salmon carcasses and eggs. The proceeds from the sales are returned to the general fund, and are subject to the appropriations process. General fund receipts from revenues from carcasses and egg sales in 1989 totaled $1,064,407.92.
Any receipts in excess of the appropriated amount may be allocated as unanticipated receipts, which may be used by the Department of Fisheries for expenditures related to the management of hatcheries.
The Regional Fisheries Enhancement Groups were authorized by the Legislature in 1989, and a dedicated fund was established by the Legislature for these groups in 1990. Funds are generated from a surcharge on recreational and commercial salmon fishing licenses, and are deposited into the Regional Fisheries Enhancement Group account.
Summary of Bill: Of the revenues received by the Department of Fisheries for the sale of salmon carcasses and eggs, 75 percent shall be allocated as unanticipated receipts. The remaining 25 percent of the revenues shall be placed in the Regional Fisheries Enhancement Group account.
Fiscal Note: Requested January 29, 1991.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: There would be an increase in the number of fish produced by Regional Fisheries Enhancement Groups. This could help offset the losses in salmon production that will occur because of the governor's proposed cutbacks in hatcheries that are run by the Department of Fisheries. It is a proactive bill.
Testimony Against: Money will be taken out of the general fund to support this bill and it can't be supported. The governor's budget already includes this estimated revenue.
Witnesses: Tom Pentt, State Council Trout Unlimited (in favor); Don Samuelson, Grays Harbor Fisheries Enhancement Task Force (in favor); Diane Ellison, Long Live the Kings (in favor); Ed Manary, Department of Fisheries (opposed, principally because of impact on general fund - supports the Regional Fisheries Enhancement Group concept); and Doug Fricke, Governor's Salmon Advisory Council (in favor).