As Passed House
March 4, 1991
Title: An act relating to recycling in state parks, marinas, and airports.
Brief Description: Requiring recycling at parks, marinas, and airports.
Sponsor(s): By House Committee on Environment Affairs (originally sponsored by Representatives Valle, Horn, Rust, D. Sommers, Paris, Forner, Brekke, May and Wineberry).
Brief History:
Reported by House Committee on:
Environmental Affairs, February 8, 1991, DPS;
Passed House, March 4, 1991, 97-0.
Majority Report: That Substitute House Bill No. 1304 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by 13 members: Representatives Rust, Chair; Valle, Vice Chair; Horn, Ranking Minority Member; Edmondson, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Bray; Brekke; G. Fisher; Neher; Phillips; Pruitt; D. Sommers; Sprenkle; and Van Luven.
Staff: Rick Anderson 786-7114.
Background: Litter receptacles are required by Department of Ecology rules in a variety of places frequented by the public, including parks, campgrounds, and marinas.
Current law requires local governments to provide recycling services to the public but does not require individual facilities to provide recycling receptacles.
Summary of Bill: The State Parks and Recreation Commission is required to provide waste reduction and recycling information in all state parks by July 1, 1992. The commission must also provide recycling receptacles in at least 15 parks by July 1, 1993. Beginning July 1, 1995, and each biennium thereafter, the commission must provide recycling receptacles in five additional state parks until 40 state parks have recycling receptacles.
All airports, and marinas with more than 30 slips, are required to provide recycling receptacles. This requirement is effective once a waste reduction and recycling element of a local solid waste plan is adopted by the city or county in which the airport or marina is located.
Recycling receptacles in state parks, marinas, and airports must collect at least two of the following materials: aluminum, glass, newspaper, plastic, and tin.
An appropriation of $25,000 dollars is made to the State Parks and Recreation Commission from the litter control account to provide recycling receptacles and public information. An additional appropriation of $20,000 is made to the commission from the trustland purchase account for the same purpose.
Fiscal Note: Requested February 11, 1991.
Appropriation: Yes.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: Recycling receptacles should be provided in facilities such as state parks, marinas, and airports. Hal Schloman (Northwest Marine Trade Association) suggested that marinas be allowed to site recycling receptacles adjacent to their facilities. Eric Johnson (Ports Association) suggested consolidating sections addressing airports and marinas. Vicki Mercer (National Audubon Society) suggested including receptacles for mixed waste paper and to direct the Parks Commission to maintain the receptacles in spring and summer when park usage is highest.
Testimony Against: None.
Witnesses: Nina Carter, Washington State Parks (pro); Vicki Mercer, National Audubon Society-Washington State Office (pro); Eric Johnson, Ports Association (pro); Stan Biles,
Department of Natural Resources (pro); Hal Schlomann, Northwest Marine Trade Association (pro); Bill Alkire, Department of Ecology (pro); and Ralph Mackey, Washington Environmental Council (pro).