As Reported By House Committee on:
State Government
Title: An act relating to state civil and higher education employees.
Brief Description: Granting paid leave for employees who are in training or on call as volunteer members of the emergency services.
Sponsor(s): Representatives Anderson and Jones.
Brief History:
Reported by House Committee on:
State Government, February 15, 1991, DPS.
Majority Report: That Substitute House Bill No. 1047 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by 8 members: Representatives Anderson, Chair; Pruitt, Vice Chair; Bowman, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Chandler; Grant; Moyer; O'Brien; and Sheldon.
Minority Report: Without recommendation. Signed by 1 member: Representative McLean, Ranking Minority Member.
Staff: Linda May (786-7135).
Background: A number of Washington state employees volunteer their time in emergency services as fire fighters, reserve police officers, search and rescue team members, or emergency medical technicians. The number of employees serving and the amount of time each serves vary greatly depending on factors such as the size of the community or area served, the number of other volunteers, and the degree to which emergency services are provided by full-time paid employees.
While some state employees are able to make special arrangements with their employers, employees usually have to take annual leave or leave without pay when responding to an emergency during regular working hours.
Summary of Substitute Bill: Employees under the jurisdiction of the Higher Education Personnel Board or the State Personnel Board shall receive paid leave when in training or on call as volunteer fire fighters, law enforcement officers, search and rescue team members, or emergency medical technicians. Such employees may not receive more than 10 days leave for training purposes. The State Personnel Board and the Higher Education Personnel Board are directed to monitor the amount of leave taken or requested under these new provisions and must report back to the Legislature in 1992.
Substitute Bill Compared to Original Bill: The original bill put no limit on the amount of paid leave available to employees for training in emergency services. The substitute bill puts a 10-day limit on leave for training. The original bill contained no provisions for monitoring leave taken or requested under this new act. The substitute bill requires the State Personnel Board and the Higher Education Personnel Board to monitor this leave program and report back to the 1992 Legislature.
Fiscal Note: Requested February 18, 1991 (on substitute bill).
Effective Date of Substitute Bill: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: The bill encourages volunteerism and would establish consistency in the way volunteers' time is treated in various institutions. Volunteers in these services save taxpayer dollars. Employees volunteering in emergency services bring their leadership and technical skills back to the workplace.
Testimony Against: None.
Witnesses: Mark Brown, Washington Federation of State Employees, Otto Jensen, Washington Association of Fire Chiefs, and Linda Wright, International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (all in favor).